Low-Cost Treatments - models for Students' Clinical Practise
As part of the training IPCH requires models for their students to practice on. This is an opportunity for volunteers to receive a Colonic Hydrotherapy (Colonic Irrigation) treatment from a trained nurse or CAM practitioner who is in the process of adding Colonics to their set of therapeutic skills.
- A practice session will usually last 90 minutes (2 hours if a more detailed nutritional consultation is included as part of the practice).
- The session is entirely supervised by Anne-Lise Miller from the taking of a thorough medical history to the completion of the Colonic treatment.
- Only one other trainee might be observing.
- The treatment is gentle and the practitioner is taught to be aware and to regularly communicate to ensure that the model receives a treatment that is both pleasant and effective.
- Contraindications to the treatment are listed here and the medical form that you will be requested to fill at the beginning of the session is here.
The price for the treatment is £40.
There is no difference between a treatment done by a student and a qualified practitioner other than that the student will be coached as they are administering the treatment. This is an opportunity to receive a professional Colonic Hydrotherapy treatment at a reduced cost at the same time as learning more about the body, food, digestion and the connection between the gut and health.
Colonic Hydrotherapy is a cleansing experience that enhances wellbeing. It can be done as part of an elimination diet or a juice fast. Discussion on the topic of detoxing, fasting, and cleansing with herbs are included in the trainee’s learning and will be shared as part of the session.
For answers to the frequently asked questions on Colonics see the FAQ here.